Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Favorite Thing #5

My Bedroom

Ohh, I love to be in bed!!! This is the view I have while I'm lying in bed. My dream morning would be to wake up slowly and stay in bed, going in and out of sleep, for another hour, then drink coffee and watch a movie.

The light is amazing in our room (thanks to my brilliant husband who kept the ceiling open so light flows everywhere).

It is so hard to get out of my bed when t
he light is coming in and the window behind our bed is open. The breeze comes through and when its cold outside I love burrowing down under my covers.

This is the view when I lie on my back. Many of great ideas have been born and problems have been solved while I stare at the angles in our room.

Many weekend mornings I listen as Brian tells the kids over and over to be more quiet cuz mommy is sleeping. I laugh. They have no ability to be quiet.

On school mornings the boys come wake me up and jump in bed for morning snuggles. It took a lot of prayer and by the grace of God I now greet them with open arms in the mornings when they wake me up. Hopefully they won't remember those years when I was sleep deprived and grumpy every morning. I've given up on the idea that they will ever have memories of mommy up before them.

Some afternoons, Annabelle and I nap together. It always takes her a long time to sleep as she looks out the window and talks about the trees and birds.

We have the prettiest Bradford Pear right outside the window. It looks awesome in the fall and even better in the spring full of white flowers.

My most precious memories are of nursing Grayson and Annabelle in the mornings in bed. On a good day when we could stay in bed for a while, I would hug them and never wanted to let go. Hard giggles would bid me to keep tickling and rolling on the bed.

It is hard to think of living in a house where I haven't had babies. It is hard to think of never returning to the house where I had babies. It solidifies that I no longer have any babies. It really did go so fast.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. Makes me even more disappointed that we can't buy your house. I've thought about this before, how this house will be our baby house and the next house will be our house where our kids grow up, and maybe another house for retirement...someplace warm :)
