Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Safe Families

Today, I did a very normal thing.  I drove down the highway with my three kids.  But it didn't feel very normal. In fact, it felt like one of the most significant moments of my life.  Colors looked more vibrant, the sun felt brighter, all my moves felt slow and memorable.  Each sense was heightened and I knew this moment was being imprinted into my memory. 

Because my three kids and I were driving to pick up a 2 year old boy who has no where to live.  Just for six days, this precious boy will live in our house.  My kids will share their toys, share meals, and sacrifice for a boy they've never met. 

Because our family has joined the ministry Safe Families for Children

We've shared with just a few friends over the summer that we were praying about whether God was leading us in this direction.  Its hard to know how to share with more family and friends on a larger scale.  Returning to blogging is my best attempt.

I wish I had had the time to journal over the last few months the process we have been on and the journey that led us here.  Hopefully, there will be time to share that later. 

For now you can go to to find out more about the organization.  There are some great video clips that provide a quick summary of the program, including one from Katie Couric. 

In short, it is a ministry to protect children from child abuse and neglect, keep kids from entering the foster care system, and encourage families.  Parents struggling with any type of crises (from homelessness, hospitalization, unemployment, incarceration, rehab, etc) request that their child/children be placed in with a host family that can provide a stable place for the children while the family makes steps for change in their life.  The parent keeps sole custody of the child and can ask for them back at anytime.  The host family is one part of a team of people that surround the family like an extended family would, providing friendship and support. 

Today has been an incredible day.  I can't tell you how much we love this boy.  The kids have been incredibly sweet and helpful.  Of course, the novelty of it helps.  He was very shy and reserved at first, he wouldn't even look at me when I picked him up from his volunteer case worker.  I had all the kids in the car thanks to a power outage in our neighborhood today letting them out of school.  They filled a small container of toys he could play with and Annabelle picked out books to read him.  She sat next to him for the 30 minute car ride showing him toys and laughing with him. 

When we brought him home, we showed him around and he, of course, was enthralled with the toy room.  He found a lazer gun and began shooting all of us while we dramatically fell to the ground.  That's when we got to see his big smile and hear a big laugh.  After a 3 hour nap and the kids asking 15 times when he was going to wake up, he woke up super happy and comfortable.  He gave us all hugs throughout the night. 

This feels so right.  I know a longer term placement would be much harder but I feel up for that.  We have taken a big jump as a family to follow God into a messy place and love messy people in messy situations.  Living out there on the edge of my comfort zone and in a place where I feel stretched and used by God is where I want to live. 


  1. What a brave and beautiful thing to do Janous Family! I know that you will be blessed and you will be a blessing through this ministry. All the best! xxoo JE

  2. love this- your family, your love, your surrender to follow Jesus, and the fact that you're blogging again. : ) love you!
